
Step-by-Step Guide to Make Perfect Vermicelli Upma

Step-by-Step Guide to Make Perfect Vermicelli Upma
Step-by-Step Guide to Make Perfect Vermicelli Upma

Hey everyone, welcome to my recipe site. Today I will show you a way to make a special dish, Vermicelli Upma. This is one of my favourite food recipe, this time i’am gonna make it a little bit tasty. This will be smell and look delicious.

Vermicelli Upma Recipe. Semiya upma is a popular South Indian breakfast made with wheat vermicelli, spices, herbs, and peanuts. Revathy Shanmugamum kavingar veetu samayalum. बिना अलग से उबाले झटपट बनाये खिली खिली मसाला मिक्स वेज सेवई

You can cook Vermicelli Upma using 14 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Vermicelli Upma

  1. Take 1 packet of vermicelli.
  2. You need 1/4 cup of frozen green peas.
  3. Prepare 1/4 cup of chopped carrot.
  4. You need 1 of medium size onion chopped.
  5. It’s 2 of green chillies finely chopped.
  6. Prepare 5 of Few curry leaves.
  7. Make ready 2tsp of Coriander leaves.
  8. You need 1 tsp of urad dal.
  9. Prepare 1 tsp of chana dal.
  10. Take 1 tsp of peanut.
  11. Take 1/2 tsp of red chilli powder.
  12. It’s 1/4 tsp of turmeric powder.
  13. You need as taste of Salt.
  14. It’s 3 tsp of oil.

The non-traditional addition of unexpected ketchup in Vermicelli Upma makes it specially favorite with kids.Semiya Upma also known as vermicelli upma is a quick and easy to prepare tasty breakfast with veggies included it makes a wholesome.Upma is a preferred South Indian Morning meal recipe.Upma is a popular South Indian Breakfast dish.

Vermicelli Upma instructions

  1. In a wok add one tsp oil add vermicelli and roast it for 3-4 minutes. Take out in a plate.in another wok boil 2 cups of water add roat vermicelli and boil it 2-3 minutes.then strain them and keep aside..
  2. In a pan heat 2 tsp oil,add urad dal,chana dal saute and add peanut roast all on low flame for 2 minutes now add onion and green chillies saute 2-3 minutes.add carrot and green peas. Now add turmeric powder, chilli powder and salt.mix well.cook for 4-5 minutes..
  3. Now add the boil vermicelli saute lightly that it will nicely mixed together with vegetables.turn off the flame and serve it..

Semiya upma or vermicelli upma recipe with step by step pics.Making upma with semiya is another delicious version of the popular South Indian breakfast recipe of upma.Semolina Vermicelli Upma is a kind of breakfast that keep full for a long time.

Vermicelli upma or Semiya upma is one South Indian breakfast that I turn to when we need a quick, healthy and delicious Indian breakfast.Cook vermicelli with a handful of spices and a quick breakfast.Seviyan Upma a regular breakfast in South India.This recipe shows how to prepare this nutritious and easy upma in Instant Pot or Pressure Cooker.Upma can be made with rava, oats or vermicelli.